Friday, April 5, 2013

Sodium-ascorbate dissolved in tapwater leaves a different residue compared to sodium-ascorbate dissolved in distilled water...see these images...first a glass with residue from a solution of sodiumascorbate in tapwater, when the water has evaporated...

Second, a picture of the residue from sodiumascorbate and distilled water...

and last, a picture of the two glasses...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Menu 3.1. ascorbic acid

Another supplement served in the restaurant is ascorbic acid, which should be looked upon more in terms of a food-stuff necessary for life, rather than a dietary supplement, since the reason why we need it so bad is a genetic disorder common to all living humans and also apes. It is served as a crystalline white powder dissolved in fresh water, c:a 15g per liter for good taste. Some of the extensive background-information available on the internet about the importance of ascorbic acid for overall good health can be found here:
and here:

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Menu 3. Supplements, cod liver oil

Dietary supplements are also available from the menu, since eating food is very much about keeping good health in order...these supplements provide necessary "vitamins", "minerals" and other health-promoting stuff, and the first on this list is Cod liver oil. This has a slightly "fishy" taste to it, and can take some time to develop a taste for, but is a convenient way of providing the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E, out of which vitamin D is actually not a vitamin at all, but a hormone, since it performs it´s action on the cells DNA-structure.
The reason for, and importance of having Natures Restaurant serving Cod liver oil is that with too little vitamin A in one´s body, one might develop problems with one´s eyes, to the point of even going blind, see:

with too little vitamin E in one´s body, one might develop a whole range of different diseases, since vitamin E is the collective name for eight different fatsoluble antioxidants situated in fatty tissue in the body, for example in all cell-walls, protecting them from disintegrating, see:

and with too little of the vitamin/hormone D in one´s body....well, rickets is just one of a number of potential outcomes, see:

although being outside in the sun probably goes a long way to take care of one´s needs...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Menu 2. Salt

One of the basic accessory ingredients on the menu is salt. Unrefined grey seasalt, with all its naturally occurring minerals intact, see:

The industrial kind which is mainly used for chemical purposes, is in Natures Restaurant considered as being just that, an industrial raw material, see:

Thursday, May 28, 2009

menu 1.1

Before I go on presenting what is and is not on the menu, let me point out that the kitchen does not prepare the food with any utensils made of aluminum. Aluminum kitchen-ware in contact with fluoride-containing water is a long-term health-hazard, since the fluoride in the water reacts with aluminum and increases the amount of aluminum in the water up to over 800 times, according to this web-page:

and aluminum is no better than fluoride to have in the body, see:

The salt aluminum-fluoride is actually penetrating the blood-brain barrier and entering the brain, according to this site:

and if anyone is interested in the connection between aluminum and Alzheimers disease, an on-line available book by Professor Harold D. Foster outlining this connection is available here:

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Menu.1 Water

So, what´s on the menu, then...with all these things taken away? Well...everything else, of course, and that is for sure a whole lot in these day´s of the 21st century, but separating out all these previous items on a daily personal basis is not easy, I think, hence the idéa of having a restaurant doing it. After all, life should be enjoyed and adhering to strict rules is not any fun, certainly not when it comes to food and eating, and can also lead to fundamentalism, as is the case when it comes to anything which is written down, so.... first off perhaps you´d like something to drink? Water is what N.R. is serving...fresh water...without poisons...

Now this may be more difficult to achieve than it sounds, since in many places of the world fresh water is hard to come by, see:

Next off, in places of the world where ground-water is available through drilled holes deep into the ground, water may be contaminated with different natural poisons, such as for instance arsenic, see:

or fluoride, see:

and furthermore, in other large parts of the world, fluoride is actively being added to public drinking-water by authorities, due to historical reasons, see:

This makes fresh healthy water with a fluoride-content less than, say 0.3 ppm...? a real luxoury item...and if you know you have access to such a commodity, feel free to go pour yourself a glass, and keep reading....if you don´t...well, I guess you´d perhaps want to do something about it...? and if you don´t know...well, finding out would mean taking a sample of your regular drinking-water supply, send a sample of it to a local testing-laboratory and pay for the testing. Then you´ll know...

Friday, May 8, 2009

dining table.

Hi. We have now reached the imaginary dining-table in this restaurant, and I´m now acting as your Waiter... If you´ve followed me so far through this imaginary "restaurant-walk" without objections, there is one further thing I´d like to mention before you can be seated...the restaurant do not serve any stimulants.

As stimulants are recognized, for example coffee...and tea...among others. This is, however, an area where distinctions between drugs and stimulants tend to not be so clear cut, so if anyone feels inclined to further investigate what stimulants are or are not, or perhaps necessarily will not sit down for a meal in a restaurant without a cup of coffee or tea... then you might prefer to look into these links:,M1